Community Development

Community Development and active participation with stakeholder is a recognized cornerstone of successful plantations and it is essential for the sustainable flow of forest derived benefits. Given the global nature of the plantation forestry, it is also important that the project can transparently demonstrate successful integration of all stakeholder concerns and needs.

However the importance of developing and implementing a social development plan is matched by its complexity. The project area is home to several ethnic groups who are resident on shifting agriculture land adjacent to the planting areas. Each group has its own traditions, fears and aspirations. One strategy does not fit all and consequently the Community Development staffs are continuously engaged in understanding the needs of each individual longhouse.

The programme therefore, aims to proactively prepare these communities and the general public for the size and scope of the project, while ensuring that concerns regarding security of their land and water resources are addressed.

The Community Development Team works in close cooperation with other Government departments to deliver tangible benefits to those previously isolated communities in the form of:

  • Provision of work opportunities
  • Facilitating community access to Government development funds
  • Improving road access to isolated areas
  • Assisting with infrastructure development including water tanks and pipes, roof sheeting, earthworks and expansions.
  • Facilitating the implementation of joint venture projects with the company on NCR lands.